Matt Parenti





I was initially drawn to the financial planning profession by my enjoyment of business, economics, and finance. However, very quickly I learned that helping people achieve their goals was the best part of this practice – and now continues to be what gets me up in the morning. In the years since I started in financial planning, I’ve learned to enjoy working with all sorts of situations but found my specialty in helping corporate and start-up executives and business owners. I enjoy helping clients think through their legacy and making what they built last for them and their family. While helping clients navigate markets and money brings me plenty of joy, what I value above all else are the relationships forged with clients. Nothing gives me more satisfaction than earning the trust of a client by helping them achieve their Private Vista.

I focus heavily on helping build our firm’s business as Chair of our Growth & Marketing Committee. I believe the “Private Vista Experience” our clients have makes a huge difference in our clients’ lives. Sharing that message with prospective clients and empowering colleagues to do the same continues to be a passion of mine.


My Private Vista is a made up of a few things: investing in relationships, continued learning and sharing, and having a healthy balance in life. I greatly value my relationships with family and friends. Spending time laughing with them would be enough to call life full. I am recently married to my wife, Molly, and cherish the time we spend together at home or traveling, which is one of our favorite things to do together. I get great enjoyment out of sharing what I’ve learned with clients and peers - being a coach and mentor has meant a great deal to me. I would love to do some part-time teaching at a university in the coming years to expand that interest. I find my balance by spending time outdoors, where I achieve peace and gather strength for life’s challenges. Whether it is a strenuous day hike, wading in a river with my fishing pole, or a powder day on my skis; I love my time in the great outdoors. I also hope to continue to enjoy afternoons on the golf course, good books on history or finance, and traveling to new and interesting places. And win or lose, I’ll continue watching my Chicago Bears.


  • Volunteer and Scholarship Judge, Economic Awareness Council

  • Member, The Chicago Council on Global Affairs

  • Career Mentor & Women’s Initiative Advocate, Certified Financial Planner Board


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Consumer Economics (Financial Planning Concentration), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

  • Minor Degree in International Studies (European Union Specialization), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

  • Master’s Degree in Finance, University of Notre Dame